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Swondo specializes in reliable virtual land hosting and landscape design since 2006.
Sim hosting companies come and go. Swondo offers regions in OpenSim as of 2009 and is the oldest
active independent sim hosting company.
Solid fast connections with high uptime rates, fast and friendly service and deep respect for creativity and privacy
are some of the reasons why Swondo is able to be around in good standing for over 18 years.
Swondo offers high quality virtual real estate in the OpenSim world: OSgrid.
Visit the Tropical Mountain XL & XXL page
Beach Life Tropical Island
or see more about the latest Mediterranean designs: 'Swondo Island'
and 'Wide Woods'
Each public or special region has a story behind it or a goal still to be achieved.
Some regions are meant for joint projects and to make OSgrid a nicer place. Participations are always very welcome.
Projects that can benified the OSgrid community will be sponsored with land (marked with a green v) at the best locations.
Swondo Photo Album
Swondo leases out Estates, Sims, Regions and Parcels in OSgrid.
Sims come with fully changable nature designed and vegetated landscapes if you like.
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The sail-able area is huge.
February 15, 2025 OSgrid seems off-line.. we are waiting for news
January 21, 2025 Europe afternoon - Swondo is off-line for updates. Expected off-line time about 3 hours max. Edit: In the end the off-line time was a little over 2 hours :)
January 17, 2025 - OSgrid still suffers asset problems mainly showing for some people as missing inventory and avatar parts. All we can do is be patient. There is nothing Swondo can do. This is OSgrid grid related.
December 6, 2024 - OSgrid is on-line again.
November 29, 2024 - Osgrid has just gone off-line. Swondo servers are constantly monitoring for the main grid servers to come back online and your land will be accessible from the moment they do. Note that your land and creations in it, are perfectly safe during a grid outage. The official anouncement by OSgrid staf on Nov.28: 'OFFLINE: Sorry folks we need to take the grid offline until some of the conversion completes. No eta just yet'
November 21, 2024 - Although not caused by Swondo, all Swondo landowners got an extra free month added to their lease as compensation for the 10 days OSgrid interruption of service.
November 16, 2024 - OSgrid has just come back to life. All Swondo estate, sim and landowners have received an e-mail that their land is waiting for them again.
November 6, 2024 - OSgrid main servers seem off-line and also the OSgrid website shows the grid as off-line. We have no further knowledge on the why and how. Let us just hope the grid staff gets things up and running soon again. Swondo landowners always get their lease extended with the number of days the grid is off-line due to Swondo or OSgrid main service. In this case because this was totally unexpected, Swondo doubles the compensation days. So when the grid stays off-line for 10 days, leases will be extended with 20 days.
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Swondo creates: Regions, landscapes, communities, buildings, objects, scripts and integrated websites
for businesses, schools, foundations, Swondo World and 3'party grids.
Swondo offers payments according knowledge level for a 'grids and server' manager. Expert knowledge of ROBUST including all kinds of add-ons and integrated
webpages is required. Preferable living in The Netherlands or Germany. More jobs here.