Swondo Trop Mountain XL & XXL

Your own huge tropical jungle island to explore, change and create on.
Endless paths, mountain climbs, corridors, beaches and phenomenal views.
Thousands of trees and bushes, rolling waves, birds flying, hanging bridges and more...
768x768 VAR region (3x3=9 traditional regions).
Hardcoded shadows for optimal experience with lower-end graphics cards.
9 US$ Per month, no start-up costs and no prim-number restrictions.

Tropical Mountain XXL is the largest Island design that Swondo offers.
Tropical Mountain XL is a very large island design but also has a lot of sailable water all around.
Tropical Mountain standard is the standard sized island in a 768x768m region. More info here
The layouts of XL and XXL are similar but not the same. XXL has three bridges and a small tunnel between bridge II and III. XL has two underpasses through high mountains and the only bridge does connect the same islands but from a different position. XL also has a semi active vulcano. Both XXL and XL designs are located on 768x768 meter VAR regions and come with thousands of plants and trees. All vegetation and other builds have hardcoded shadow-plates for a superior feeling with graphics cards that cannot run decent frame-rates in shadow-rendering mode.

Everything in the sim can be taken out or changed at wish. Swondo offers these designs as an initial start point from where your journey begins.
With the received management rights all kind of region settings can be changed like for example changing terrain textures and acces limits.

The region name and map-location can be chosen at order and changed at any time for free. Just ask Sylvia.
We strongly advice to visit both and walk and fly around before you order to feel which one is best for you.
Go inworld in OSgrid, open the world-map and search 'Trop Mountain XXL' or 'Trop Mountain XL'

Pricing of XL & XXL is the same

The new price is based on fair-use. There are no longer prim restrictions.

The billing cycle is per 3 months.
This means payment upfront 27US$ or 27Euro per 3 months. no start-up fee etc.

Receiving a backup(OAR) for free is possible after a minimum of 4 months lease and only if you have made changes and added your creations to the region.

Do you realize that a lease with Swondo is cheaper then running your sim from home?
(Based on electricity costs of running a PC 24 hours, 365 days per year at home)

If you want more information then contact Sylvia Sonoda please.
Before you order do read the Swondo covenant to prevent misunderstandings.
If you want to lease this region, then please visit the Land-Order page and chose 'Tropical Mountain XL or XXL'.

Or go back to the Swondo home page here .

Photos are taken at the XXL region except when it says different
For reference this worldmap image shows how large the XXL island is in a 768x768 meter region.
The image also shows where some areas are that can be seen on the XXL photos.