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Swondo specializes in reliable virtual land hosting and landscape design since 2006.
Swondo offers parcels, regions, sims and estates in OpenSim as of 2009 and is the oldest
active independent sim hosting company. Solid fast connections with high uptime rates, fast and friendly service and deep respect for creativity and privacy.
Swondo is proud to be around in good standing for over 18 years.
As of February 2025 Swondo has openened its own grid: Swondo World.
Swondo OSgrid landowners will get an exact copy of their OSgrid land presented in Swondo World.
By April 2025 most likely the OSgrid problems are largely over. The new normal becomes a Swondo hybrid system.
Swondo landowners can choose between land in OSgrid, Swondo World or both(emergency shadow hosting).
Swondo is also creating a system to be able to backup inventories automated regurly to avoid the current OSgrid asset-loss situation ever be possible again.
Note that even though the OSgrid problems are serious, Swondo land was never in danger. Automatic daily backups always have been the standard.
Swondo offers high quality virtual real estate in the OpenSim worlds: OSgrid and Swondo World.
Things to consider: The most beautiful initial landscapes. Proven high quality lag-free hosting. Downtime caused by Swondo or OSgrid is fully compensated as extra time on your lease.
Region size can be up to 1024x1024 at no extra costs. There are no primlimits. If you prefer, your land can be connected to the largest sail-able oceans of OSgrid hosted by Swondo.
Answering questions or for example help with landscaping within a few hours. Main manager Sylvia speaks English, Dutch and German without a translator.
Lease price goes down by bringing in new leasers. Region Rename, mapspot moving or a new initial landscape at no added costs. Initatives which help OSgrid community can be sponsored with free land.
OAR backup is available for download during and at the end of your lease at no costs.
Visit the Tropical Mountain XL & XXL page
Beach Life Tropical Island
or see more about the latest Mediterranean designs: 'Swondo Island'
and 'Wide Woods'
Each public or special region has a story behind it or a goal still to be achieved.
Some regions are meant for joint projects and to make OSgrid a nicer place. Participations are always very welcome.
Projects that can benified the OSgrid community will be sponsored with land (marked with a green v) at the best locations.
Swondo Photo Album
Swondo leases out Estates, Sims, Regions and Parcels.
Regions come with fully changable nature designed and vegetated landscapes if you like.
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The sail-able area is huge.
March 5, 2025 - OSgrid has come to a halt which will last weeks. You are welcome at Swondo World. All OSgrid Swondo landowners now have their regions setup at Swondo World. Swondo world can be visited by Hypergrid teleport or direct login if you received an account. A Swondo World account is currently only possible for Swondo Landoners. If you like to lease land directly at Swondo World, use the landorder page please.
February 27, 2025 - Swondo World (grid) is online and can be visited via Hypergrid and with direct login. Swondo World avatars are currently only handed out to Swondo OSgrid landowners. Swondo World is created to give OSgrid landowners acces to their Swondo hosted regions even when OSgrid falls off-line. This fall-back feature will remain as an extra service to Swondo land owners in OSgrid from now on.
February 18, 2025 - OSgrid is sometimes online and sometimes not. Most likely due to everyone taking IAR's which is heavely burden on their servers. Please note that your Swondo land is in no harms way. Swondo has several backups of your land and creates backups every day. Your inventory is hosted by OSgrid servers and will reset back to zero at march 21, 2025. Every Swondo landowner has received multiple e-mails about what you have to do to prevent your total loss of Inventory. If you still do not know what to do, contact Sylvia. Doing nothing is no option if you do not want to lose your avatar looks and your inventory.
February 15, 2025 - OSgrid seems off-line.. we are waiting for news
Read latest News-Letter
Swondo offers: Mini-grids, Estates, Regions, landscapes, communities, buildings, objects, scripts and integrated websites
for businesses, schools, foundations, Swondo World and 3'party grids.
Swondo offers payments according knowledge level for a 'grids and server' manager. Expert knowledge of Networking and ROBUST including all kinds of add-ons and integrated
webpages is required. Preferable living in The Netherlands or Germany. More jobs here.